Waterside Short Mat  Club  

 Waterside Short Mat Bowls club has now moved to:

 QEII Pavilion, 

QEII Playing Fields,

 Thornbury Road, 

Blackfield, SO45 1YQ

Short Mat Bowls is a popular sport, a good source of exercise and great social fun. We are a friendly bunch and welcome new members so please come along and join us.

The times we now play during the year: 

Fridays 19:00 - 21:30 Summer Roll up / Winter League

Mondays         14:00 - 16:00     Roll up & Play

Wednesdays   10:00 - 12:00     Roll up & play


The Club has "Safe Bowls Status" from the English Short Mat bowling Association. This allows us to open and play as Normal with Government Guidance in mind. 


Contact our Chairman:

Mick Potter Tel: 07751-878792 Or: email-mick-potter

 (New email address to use: watersideshortmatbowls@btinternet.com)

Club Website:    www.watersideshortmatbowlsclub.co.uk

Officers /  Committee Members
Chairman                             Mick Potter
Secretary                             Heather Clements
Treasurer                             Sue Potter
Competition Secretary        Dave Renyard
Match Secretary                  Dave Renyard     
Committee                           Sandra Bradley
                                            Emma Baker
                                            Alan Baker

League and Competition Results 2021/2022

Friday League Winners: Team D

Shirley Adlam
Melanie Cross
Mick Potter

Friday League Runners up: Team F

Sandra Bradley
Heather Clements
Jean Renyard
John Wills

Men’s Singles

Winner: Micky Frampton
Runner Up: Mick Potter
Ladies Singles
Winner: Sandra Bradley
Runner Up: Lynn Brown

Spring Mixed Triples

Winners: Team A
Marian Maxwell
Geoff Cross
Alan Baker

Runners Up: Team E

Sandra Bradley
Lynn Brown
Bart Clements

Gordon Beere Trophy 2021

Not Played.
